5 Home Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

home cleaning hacks

Keeping a clean home can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! There are a few simple hacks that you can use to make the cleaning process quicker and easier.

Plenty of life hacks can make cleaning easier and even more fun. For example, did you know you can use a lint roller to clean your blinds? Just roll it over the blinds and watch the dust disappear. Or how about using a coffee filter to dust your computer screen? The filter’s static electricity will help attract and remove dust particles. And if you’ve got a tough stain, try using shaving cream. Just apply it to the stain and rub it in gently. Then, throw the item in the wash as usual, and the stain should come right out. So next time you’re feeling dread at the thought of cleaning, just remember that there are plenty of ways to make it easier. With some creativity, you might even find that cleaning can be enjoyable! In this blog post, we’ll share five of our favorite home cleaning hacks with you.

1. Use vinegar to clean your windows.

An excellent natural substitute for window cleaners with chemical bases is vinegar. To clean your windows, simply combine water and vinegar in an equal ratio in a spray bottle. For best results, wipe the solution off with a lint-free cloth.

Vinegar is a natural cleaning solution that is effective and inexpensive. Vinegar can remove dirt, grime, and fingerprints when used to clean windows. Vinegar is also streak-free, so your windows will be left looking sparkling clean. Simply combine vinegar and water in an equal amount in a spray bottle, then mist the mixture onto your windows to clean them. Then, use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe the solution away. For best results, wash your windows on a cloudy day to prevent the sun from drying the vinegar too quickly.

2. Get rid of pet hair with a rubber glove.

If you have pets, then you know that pet hair can be a nightmare to deal with. A quick and easy way to remove pet hair from upholstery and clothing is to rub the fabric with a rubber glove. The static electricity will cause the hair to cling to the glove so that you can easily remove it.

Simply put on the glove and run your hand over the surface of the item in question. The static electricity generated by the rubber will attract the hair, making it easy to collect in one place. You can then remove the hair by removing the glove or wiping it with a damp cloth. This simple trick effectively keeps your home clean and tidy, even if you have a hairy pet.

3. Use baking soda to freshen up your carpets.

To freshen carpets and get rid of odors naturally, use baking soda. Your carpets only need to be sprinkled with baking soda, then you can vacuum it up after it has sat for 15 to 20 minutes. You’ll be amazed at how much fresher your carpets will smell!

Baking soda is a well-known household staple with various uses, one of which is freshening carpets. When used with vacuuming, baking soda can help remove dirt, dust, and other debris that can make carpets look and feel dingy. In addition, baking soda helps to neutralize odors, leaving carpets smelling fresh and clean. To use baking soda on carpets, simply sprinkle it over the affected area and allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes before vacuumings thoroughly. For best results, repeat this process weekly. Following these simple steps, you can keep your carpets looking and smelling like new.

4. Remove soap scum with lemon juice.

Soap scum can build up on shower doors and walls, making them difficult to clean. To remove soap scum, simply apply lemon juice to the affected area and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth. The acid in the lemon juice will break down the soap scum so that you can easily remove it.

It is not uncommon for soap scum to build up on bathroom surfaces, especially around the sink and shower. Soap scum is a sticky residue created when soap interacts with hard water. The combination of these two elements can create a film that is difficult to remove. However, you can use a few simple household ingredients to break down soap scum and make cleaning easier. One of the most effective cleaner is lemon juice. The acid in lemon juice reacts with soap scum, breaking it down and making it easier to wipe away. In addition, the fresh citrus scent of lemon juice can help to deodorize the bathroom and leave it smelling clean and fresh. For best results, apply freshly squeezed lemon juice directly to the soap scum. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth. Repeat as necessary until all of the soap scum has been removed.

5. Clean your microwave with vinegar and water.

Microwaves can be difficult to clean, but there’s an easy hack for that! Simply mix equal parts water and vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave it for 2 minutes on high power. The steam from the mixture will help loosen any food particles stuck to the walls of the microwave so that you can easily wipe them away.

Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent that you can use to remove stubborn stains and residues. When diluted with water, it can also be used to clean surfaces like countertops and floors. However, vinegar’s cleaning power doesn’t stop there. You can also use it to clean your microwave. Simply mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bowl and place it inside the microwave. Turn on the microwave for two minutes, and then let the solution sit inside the appliance for five minutes. After that, use a damp cloth to clean the microwave’s interior. Any food stains or splatters will be made easier to remove by wiping them away with vinegar’s assistance. And best of all, vinegar is non-toxic and won’t leave behind any harsh chemicals.


Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore! With these five simple hacks, you can make the cleaning process quicker and easier than ever before. So what are you waiting for? Give them a try today!