Decluttering Your Home in Just One Week

decluttering home

If your home is cluttered and you’re unsure where to start, this blog post is for you. We’ll give you a step-by-step guide on decluttering your home in just one week. So grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up, and let’s get started!

Day 1:

Start with the easy stuff. Remove any clothing you haven’t worn in a year, books you’ve read and don’t need to keep, and knick-knacks that are just taking up space. It would be best if you also took this opportunity to dust and vacuum all of the surfaces in your home.

Starting with smaller, simpler tasks can be helpful when you’re feeling overburdened by the clutter in your home. For example, start by decluttering your coffee table or desk. This will help you to clear your mind and give you a sense of accomplishment. Once you’ve tackled those small areas, you can move on to bigger projects, like decluttering your closet or garage. By taking it one step at a time, you’ll be able to declutter your home without feeling overwhelmed.

Day 2:

Now it’s time to tackle the closets. Sort through your wardrobe and eliminate anything you haven’t worn in a year or that doesn’t fit. Anything that is still in good condition should be given to a nearby charity. If you have items too worn to donate, throw them away.

Most people have way too much stuff, such as clothes that haven’t been worn in years, books that haven’t been read in even longer, and an endless supply of knick-knacks and tchotchkes that serve no real purpose. It is understandable why so many people experience stress and are overwhelmed in their homes. The good news is that decluttering your home can be easy and enjoyable if you take it one step at a time. Going through your closets is a great place to start. Pull out everything you no longer wear or don’t fit, and set it aside to donate or sell. The amount of room you’ll free up and how satisfying it is to clear out all that clutter might surprise you.

Moreover, going through your closets is a great way to jumpstart the decluttering process. Once you see how satisfying it is to declutter your home, you’ll be motivated to keep going until your entire house is clean and organized. So don’t wait any longer – start decluttering today by sorting through your closet!

Day 3:

Today is the day to declutter your bathroom. Get rid of expired makeup, toiletries, old towels, and unused products. If you have duplicates of anything, keep one and get rid of the rest.

Most people don’t think twice about the dozens, even hundreds, of little bottles, tubes, and containers of lotions, potions, and other products they keep in their bathroom. However, all those products can quickly add to a lot of clutter. Going through your bathroom and decluttering it regularly can help keep your home organized and tidy. Take everything out of the cabinets and drawers to begin by going through it all. Throw away anything that is expired or that you no longer use. Then, put everything else back in a more organized way. For example, put all your hair products in one drawer and all your skincare items in another. Taking the time to declutter your bathroom will help to reduce the overall amount of clutter in your home.

Day 4:

It’s time to declutter your kitchen. Get rid of expired food, spices you never use, and appliances you never use. Donate any non-expired food to a local food bank.

Going through your kitchen products can help you to declutter your home in several ways. One, it can help you eliminate any products past their expiration date or that you no longer use. Second, it can help you to consolidate duplicates or similar items. And finally, it can help you organize your kitchen to be more functional and efficient. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, start by going through your kitchen products. You might be surprised at how much simpler it is to organize your home when you start in the kitchen.

Day 5:

Today is the day to declutter your living room. Get rid of old magazines, newspapers, or books you no longer need. Dust all of the surfaces and vacuum the floor.

The living room is where you entertain your guests, and it should always be presentable. There are a few things that you need to do to declutter your living room. First of all, you need to clear out the clutter from the floor. This includes books, magazines, toys, shoes, etc. Secondly, you need to declutter your furniture. This means getting rid of old and unused furniture. Lastly, you need to declutter your walls. This includes removing old pictures, paintings, etc. If you follow these tips, you can declutter your living room in no time!

Day 6:

Today is the day to declutter your bedroom. Get rid of any clothes that don’t fit or that you haven’t worn in the past year. Make sure to put away anything that doesn’t belong in your bedroom (e.g., laundry, dishes).

The bedroom is typically the smallest room in the house, but it’s also where you probably have the least amount of storage. This means that every item in your bedroom should have a purpose. Start by going through your closet and removing anything you haven’t worn in the last six months. After that, clean off your nightstand and dresser of any clutter and items you don’t use frequently. Once you’ve decluttered your bedroom, you’ll feel like you’ve made a huge difference in your home – and you’ll be motivated to keep decluttering other areas of your house!

Day 7:

The final day! Today you’ll declutter your home office or workspace. Get rid of any old papers or files that you no longer need. Dust all of the surfaces and vacuum the floor. And that’s it! You’ve successfully decluttered your home in just one week!


There is no need for a cluttered home to be stressful or overwhelming! In just one week, you can declutter your home with the help of this step-by-step guide. So what are you waiting for? Make a cup of coffee and get started!