How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Sparkling All Year Round

clean sparkling bathroom

If you’re like most people, the bathroom is probably one of the last places you want to spend any time cleaning. But let’s face it: a clean bathroom is a necessity. Not only is it important for maintaining good hygiene, but it’s also crucial for keeping your home looking its best. Fortunately, you can keep your bathroom clean and sparkling all year long by following a few simple tips and tricks. Read on to find out more!

1. Start with a clean slate.

Before you start cleaning, take everything out of the bathroom that doesn’t belong there. This includes things like dirty towels, clothes, and toiletries. You’ll be able to clean more effectively and reach those hard-to-reach places once everything is out of the way.

When cleaning the bathroom, one of the best tips is to remove anything that doesn’t belong. Clutter can quickly build up in this space, making it difficult to keep things clean. You can make the whole room feel cleaner and more spacious by taking a few minutes to declutter the counters, shelves, and floors. Moreover, it will be easier to target dirt and grime when fewer items are in the way. So next time you clean the bathroom, take a moment to clear any clutter. You may be surprised at how much easier it is to keep things clean when there’s less stuff in the way.

2. Don’t forget the little things.

It’s easy to get caught up in the big picture when cleaning, but don’t overlook the little things. Take a few minutes to dust light fixtures, polish mirrors, and wipe down cabinet doors. These small tasks will make a big difference in the overall appearance of your bathroom.

If you take the time to focus on the little things when cleaning your bathroom regularly, you will find it much easier to keep your bathroom clean overall. For example, taking a few extra minutes to wipe down the toilet bowl inside after each use will help prevent staining and make it easier to clean the bowl when it comes time to disinfect it. Similarly, taking a few seconds to rinse the shower after each use will help prevent soap scum build-up. Though these tasks may seem trivial, they can make a big difference in the long run. By taking care of the little things, you can keep your bathroom looking and feeling clean all year.

3. Use natural cleaners whenever possible.

There are many effective bathroom cleaners on the market, but they can often be harsh and toxic. When possible, opt for natural cleaners made with ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Not only are they just as effective as chemical cleaners, but they’re also better for your health and the environment.

There are many reasons to use natural cleaners when cleaning the bathroom. First, they are typically made with less harsh ingredients on surfaces and skin, making them safer to use.

Second, natural cleaners often have fewer chemicals, making them more effective at cleaning.

Finally, using natural cleaners can help protect the environment by reducing the harmful chemicals released into the air. When using natural cleaners in the bathroom, following the instructions on the label carefully is important to avoid damaging surfaces or to harm yourself. However, taking these precautions can help you enjoy a safer and more effective cleaning experience.

If you want a more natural option, there are several formulas you can easily make at home with ingredients you most likely already have in your pantry.

One popular recipe calls for mixing equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Using this solution, you can clean most surfaces in the bathroom, including counters, sinks, and toilets. You can add a little baking soda to create a mildly abrasive scrub for tougher jobs. Another option is to mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide. This mixture can be used as a toilet bowl cleaner or an all-purpose cleaner for surfaces needing extra scrubbing power.

Many other recipes can be used to create natural bathroom cleaners. You can find one that works best for your needs with a bit of experimentation. And best of all, you can rest assured knowing that you are not exposing yourself or your family to harmful chemicals.

4. Create a cleaning schedule and stick to it.

One of the best ways to keep your bathroom clean is by creating a regular cleaning schedule and sticking to it. This could be as easy as cleaning the counters and the tub once a week or even just taking a few minutes daily to wipe down surfaces and sweep the floor. Maintain whatever routine works best for you, and your bathroom will remain tidy all year. Here are a few tips for creating an effective cleaning schedule:

  1. Decide how often you need to clean each task. For example, you may need to vacuum the floors daily but only scrub the tub once a week.
  2. Make a list of all the tasks that must be carried out to effectively clean the bathroom.
  3. Set aside a specific day of the week for each task. You can use a whiteboard or planner to keep track of your schedule.
  4. Set aside a certain amount of time each day to clean. For example, you may want to spend 30 minutes cleaning the bathroom every Saturday morning.
  5. Put your cleaning supplies in an easily accessible location, so you do not have to look for them when it is time to clean.
  6. Finally, stick to your schedule! Once you get into a routine, cleaning the bathroom will become much easier and less time-consuming.

Following these tips, you can enjoy a sparkling clean bathroom without too much effort or stress. So, give your bathroom the attention it needs– your home (and nose) will thank you for it.


A clean bathroom is essential for maintaining good hygiene and keeping your home looking its best. Luckily, with a little elbow grease (and maybe some natural cleaners), you can quickly achieve both goals! Use these ideas to maintain a spotless bathroom all year long.