How to Keep Your Home Clean with a Baby

cleaning home with a baby

Having a baby is a joyous time that comes with lots of new challenges – one of those challenges being how to keep your home clean with a new baby. The messes start piling up as soon as you bring your bundle of joy home. From spit-up to spilled milk to diaper leaks, it can feel like your home is never clean.

But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Even with a baby in tow, you can keep your home clean and tidy with a few simple tips and tricks. Read on to learn more.

1. Do a quick pick-up every day.

A quick daily pick-up is one of the most effective ways to keep your home clean when you have a baby. Every day, set aside 10 to 15 minutes to clean up the main living areas of your house. By doing this, you can keep the mess under control and avoid having to deal with it altogether.

It may not appear to be much, but it can make a significant difference in the overall cleanliness of your home. Plus, bonding with your baby is a good opportunity as you tidy up together. So next time you feel overwhelmed by the mess, remember that a quick pick-up can help get your home back in order.

2. Put things away immediately.

Another great tip is to put things away immediately after you use them. This goes for both yourself and your baby. If you’re holding your baby and you set something down, put it away before you forget. The same goes for when you’re finished using something – put it back in its place right away, so you don’t have to search for it later.

This may appear to be a lot of work at first, but it will save you time in the long run. By immediately putting things away, you will avoid the need to do a deep clean often. In addition, your home will stay more organized and clutter-free. Put away any toys your baby is finished playing with, and take care of any laundry as soon as possible. You can help keep your home clean and tidy with a little effort.

3. Invest in some storage bins.

If you’re constantly tripping over toys or there’s nowhere to put all of your baby’s gear, invest in some storage bins. Storage bins can be placed in any room of your house and can hold just about anything. They can be used to store anything from clothes and toys to diapers and wipes. And when they’re not in use, they can be tucked away out of sight, so they don’t clutter up your space.

Having a baby comes with many extra laundries, from onesies to bibs to blankets. Many new parents make the mistake of keeping all of their baby’s clothes in the nursery, but this can quickly lead to clutter and an unorganized home. Investing in some storage bins for your baby’s clothing is a great way to keep your home clean and organized. You can keep the bins in the nursery or your bedroom, which will help you stay on top of the laundry. Plus, when your baby outgrows their clothes, you can put the bins away until you need them again. So storage bins are a great option if you’re looking for a way to keep your home tidy while caring for a baby.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help when keeping your home clean with a baby. Whether hiring a weekly cleaning service or asking friends and family members to pitch in now and then, accepting help can make all the difference in keeping your home clean and tidy. Especially during those first few months when you’re adjusting to life with a new baby.

Involve your partner and older children in the cleaning process.

Having a baby can be overwhelming, and keeping your home clean shouldn’t just be your responsibility. Make sure to involve your partner and any older children in cleaning. Assign them tasks such as tidying up their rooms or helping with the laundry. One of the most important life lessons you can give them is the value of maintaining a tidy and organized home.

Remember, having a bit of mess in your home with a baby is okay. Just try your best to stay on top of it and not let it get out of control.

Why It’s Important to Keep Your Home Clean If You Have a Baby

It’s no secret that babies are messy. Whether they’re spilling their food, making a mess of their diapers, or simply tracking in dirt and grime from outside, it can seem like there’s never a break from the cleaning. But as any parent knows, keeping your home clean is important if you have a baby. It will not only make your life much simpler but also contribute to the health of your infant. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to keep your home clean if you have a baby.

First of all, babies are very susceptible to illness. They have weaker immune systems and are more likely to catch viruses and bacteria. A clean home will help to reduce their exposure to potential sources of illness. Secondly, babies are constantly putting things in their mouths. Everything from their hands to their toys can end up in their mouths. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that everything is clean and sanitized. And finally, let’s face it: having a messy house is stressful. You don’t need the added stress of living in a dirty environment if you’re already dealing with the difficulties of having a baby. So don’t be afraid to break out the broom and dustpan – keeping your home clean will keep you and your baby happy and healthy.


Having a new baby doesn’t have to mean living in a constant state of chaos – with a little effort (and maybe some extra help), you can keep your home clean and tidy, even with a baby on board!